
The sermon last Sunday was on fear. I am very familiar with it, are you? If you are the average person, fear is an unwanted guest who visits much too often. Sometimes he overstays his visit. Where does he come from and why doesn’t he go back there, permanently?

I am not saying that all fear is bad. Fear is necessary for our survival. It tells us when we must be watchful and when we must take action in order to protect ourselves or others. Fear can be a healthy tool for staying safe, or staying alive. We do not want that kind of fear to go away. Can you imagine the risks you would take if you had no fear? What might come of that could be broken bones, paralysis, even death. That kind of fear is essential for our well being.

The Pastor spoke of control and its relationship to fear. For those of us who like to control our environment, fear can be the result of the realization that some things are beyond our control. Oh dear! What do I do now? Have you ever been there? I have, many times. Try controlling your children when they are adults. Good luck with that. Even when you know with every fiber of your being that what they are doing or about to do is the dumbest and possibly the most risky thing they have ever done. The sooner you realize that you have no control over others, even your own adult children, the more peaceful your life will be, or at least should be. Interesting fact, did you realize that when we sleep we surrender all control? Never thought of it that way, did you? I hadn’t either.

Loss of control can lead to fear which can lead to anxiety. Side note – I am not speaking of the biochemical version of anxiety which requires medication. There are at least three ways we deal with anxiety: 1) Suppress it. Many turn to alcohol, drugs or food to suppress the negative or anxious parts of themselves. This is addiction which is a temporary fix at best and a lifelong, self-destructive behavior at its worst, often with dire consequences.

2) Succumb to it: In other words, give in to the fear. Don’t do the thing you want to do because of what you tell yourself or others have told you about doing it. “You’re too old.”  “You’ll never make it.” ” It’s too expensive.” “You will probably fail, ” etc. Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by a belief. Your belief system will either let you go for what you want or it will keep you from it.  The Pastor said, which I love, “Everything you haven’t done is because of fear. And everything you want is on the other side of fear.” Think about that for a moment.

3) Surrender to it. You will not let fear have the last word. You do not run from it. You acknowledge its presence but do not let it influence your behavior.

Surrender your need to control everything or everyone because you are afraid of what will happen if you stop. You are letting the voice of fear drown out the voice of God who is trying to tell you that He’s got this. You can let go of your worst fears, your greatest worries, your life sabotaging anxiety, and put them all at His feet. Just say, “You take this, God. It’s too big for me to handle. It is destroying my comfort, my marriage, my life.  You will be surprised at what happens next.  Freedom, peace, joy. Let go. Surrender. God bless.

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7.


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