Self Doubt

I get nervous when I have to drive somewhere I have never been. I have a fear of getting lost. I will print out mapquest directions and choose the easiest route, even if it means lengthening my trip by several minutes.

The other night I was leaving a location in Riverside and knew how to get to my next destination, my son’s house in Corona. My husband, who was in his own car, wanted to stop for dinner on the way. Initially my response was –  No, let’s just go straight back to the house. I don’t want to get lost!  He was determined to stop for dinner  and so I gave in. As I was driving to the restaurant, it dawned on me. My self doubt was unrealistic. I had navigated much more difficult routes in the past. Why should this one throw me off? My self talk was overriding my self confidence, which I have noticed is not an  infrequent occurrence.

Deep down I knew I would find my way to the restaurant and then to the house. But the little voice inside my head was trying to sabotage me! I relaxed once I figured out what was going on. I actually made it back to the house before my husband did.

I confess that the nasty little self doubt creeps up on me in other scenarios, like riding my horse. I have a challenge. I know on some level that I can meet it. Then the voice in my head tries to get me to believe that I can’t for whatever reason. Depending on how I am feeling that day, I will either listen to it or ignore it completely. On the days that I ignore it, I achieve my goals. You can guess what happens when I listen to that little voice. I end up discouraged and down on myself.

Self doubt can be a powerful road block between you and what you want to achieve. Next time you’re trying something new and the voice chimes in, ask yourself if it speaks the truth. If it is just trying to ruin your day and you can reasonably assume that what you are about to try is achievable, then tell your self doubting voice to take a hike. There is something you wish to do and don’t have time for its defeatist warnings. The real you knows best what you can and cannot accomplish. Listen for that voice. You will know the difference because one will sound logical and the other will trigger your emotions. Believe in yourself. It is the shortest path to achievement and happiness.  :))

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