Escrow on our house opened on August 4th. This means that it should close on September 5th, the 4th being a holiday. The best case scenario is that everything will go smoothly and it will close on time. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Right now it looks like we will be on schedule. However, we just learned we have a few hiccups that may or may not turn into something more threatening. We are awaiting the results of one report and a response to our latest communication. With luck all will go well.
I don’t remember ever going through anything as stressful as this. I have sold two houses before, but I don’t remember being this anxious. I know that I have no control over the outcome but that doesn’t help me when I am lying in bed at 3:00am with all of the wheels in my brain spinning. I am trying to remain positive. My husband, on the other hand, is more pessimistic. He sees each hiccup as a sign that this was not meant to be. I’m guessing that our reality will be somewhere in the middle.
It is difficult, when you have two people wanting to control a situation that they ultimately cannot control. In cases like this, you just have to turn it over to God. This is something I try to do on a daily basis. There are so many things that have to be scheduled. As of right now they are all lined up based on a closing date of September 5th. Should anything fall through, all of those locked in dates will fade into the paper they are written on. This would not be the end of the world, but it certainly would give credence to my belief that everything happens for a reason. I have to remember that I said that. My job is to remain as neutral and flexible as humanly possible.
I continue to pack, knowing that at some point we will be leaving. Living in limbo like this is my worst nightmare. It shouldn’t be, but it is. (Well, maybe 3rd worst.) As I have mentioned before, I like structure and I need my nest to be in tact. This is hardly a description of our current situation. The more I pack, the more I am surrounded by boxes which translates in my brain to upheaval rather than structure.
Finding the time to write this was challenging. I am actually writing as I sit in the arena at my barn watching my horse walk around searching for loose grass in the sand. My days are full and go by too quickly. Figuring out times to get together with friends or loved ones for the last time before we leave is next to impossible. I am doing the best I can.
Is there a lesson in all of this? Of course there is. One must let go of the things one cannot control. This is something I’ve known and practiced or attempted to practice for years. You must remain flexible, patient and above all, keep the faith that it will turn out in the end the way it was supposed to. I do believe that, strongly.There is an end to this chaos and I will be on the other side of it dancing for joy. I honestly can’t wait for that moment.The moment when I will do my happy dance and I am hoping that my husband will join me.
As I sit here on the mounting block in the arena watching my horse, I am praying with all my heart that the dance of joy will come sooner than later. Stay tuned, and keep the faith. God bless.