The Visit

How do you react when you learn that your relatives are coming to stay with you for a few days or longer? Panic? Joy? Anxiety? For me, all of the above. My husband recently reconnected with his brother after 25+ years. It was a wonderful reunion. We went to their home in Chicago at the beginning of last month. It was my first time meeting him and his wife. Of course we invited them out to California to visit us. We all decided that would be a grand idea and should happen sooner than later. Then we flew back home. A few weeks went by and we learned that they would be coming to visit at the end of September. They are arriving here this afternoon.

Now this is not bad news. They are lovely people. The issue is that we (especially me) don’t really know them. I contacted their daughter on Facebook to get some insight into what they like to eat and drink. Other than that, I am in the dark.

I went shopping yesterday to purchase what I knew they liked. Then I reached a dead end. Should I buy bacon for breakfast? What if they don’t like bacon? I bought some shrimp scampi to make only to remember on the way home that just one of them eats seafood! You get the idea. I’m lost here.

I keep telling myself and I really believe that this will be delightful visit, ending up with the four of us  bonding and making lasting memories. However, part of me remains anxious. How do we entertain them? Will there be awkward moments? Will they be comfortable in our home? That’s my responsibility as the hostess. I can’t wait until it’s over and it’s just me, my husband and two cats, living in less than perfectly clean or uncluttered surroundings.  What is their tolerance level for dust?

I’m running around today, going from room to room, picking up the clutter, trying to reach perfection in my non-perfect house. IMPOSSIBLE!

I should just relax and let them see that we don’t live in a museum. Things get messy as do our lives. These are good people. I’m sure their expectations, if any, are just that they will be warmly welcomed and have a grand time. Which of course they will.

So the next time you have visitors, put your energy into making them feel welcomed and appreciated. Forget the six dust bunnies under the couch. Focus on what’s important and don’t sweat the small stuff. Embrace the clutter! Well, maybe just don’t stress over it. :))

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