Be a helping hand

With very few exceptions, the times in my life when I felt the most joy were when I was helping a fellow human being.  There’s something about making a positive difference in a person’s life.

As a fairly new Christian, I have learned that helping those less fortunate is one of the most important as well as necessary things we are called to do. Jesus spent his short life doing it, in major and miraculous ways. We may not be able to heal the sick or give sight to the blind but we are capable of doing so much for others who are less fortunate than we are.

Giving is not just for the wealthy. If you have a roof over your head, food on the table and at least some money in the bank, you can do wonders. I have often heard stories of people in drive-through lines who paid for the meal of the person behind them. My husband has on more than one occasion paid for the meal of a military family at a restaurant. Anonymous giving! Double blessing. Also included in this category are the gifts we buy for needy families at Christmas time through our churches or other charitable organizations.

Try signing up to send $19 a month to Wounded Warrior Foundation, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Shriners Hospital or another charity of your own choosing. $19 a month! I promise, you won’t even miss it! And yet its impact will be direct and tangible.

Volunteer at a soup kitchen, animal shelter, nursing home, thrift store. There are so many ways to give of your time, talent or treasure.

Analytical by nature, I ask myself why we feel so good when we help others. My answer – it gives us purpose, makes us feel valuable and validated. When we do something for ourselves, we feel good, but when we reach out to help someone else, we are blessed. It makes us feel we are here for a reason. There is a hidden gift in giving.

Find a way to help someone in need. Be of service to others, in small ways or big ways. It will change your outlook which will change your life. The ripples of your good deeds will reach farther than you could even imagine. Be a blessing! :))

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