Its not about a rabbit

My daughter-in-law was reading a story about the meaning of Easter to her two children. Her four year old son piped up and said, “That’s not a story about Easter!” He then proceeded to get a book out of his room that showed the Easter bunny, eggs and little chicks. He looked at her proudly and said, “This is a story about Easter!”

How true for many of us, regardless of age. Easter brings forth baskets filled with fake straw, colored eggs, chocolate bunnies and peeps candy.  For some people, this is one of the few Sundays they will go to church. When I was a girl my sister and I always got a new Easter outfit which included fancy socks, new shoes, a dress and sometimes a bonnet. I looked forward to the arrival under my bed from the Easter Bunny, a beautiful basket filled with goodies. Such a wonderful surprise when I woke up! Just like magic it appeared while I was sleeping. Those were the days when magic was everything.

But I digress. We always went to church. My sister and I attended Sunday School. We didn’t talk about the Easter Bunny, though. We talked about Jesus, who at a certain point in my upbringing transformed into a friend.

How many people today remember Jesus on Easter and the reason we celebrate it? How many are even thinking about him?

Jesus is my Savior who died over two thousand years ago so that I could spend eternity praising him in a place called Heaven. He suffered for all the sins of the world then and into the future. He gave up his life for us. Can you even begin to fathom that? Do you know anybody who would do that for you?

“Greater love hath no man than this, then to lay down one’s life for his friends.” John 15:13

Take a moment tomorrow to remember, to praise, to pray and give thanks.  God is always available, 24/7. No one else can say that.  He is the creator of all things, the power behind all things and the one to whom we owe our very lives. Raise a Hallelujah tomorrow to the King of Kings, and then take a bite out of your chocolate rabbit. You can do both. God bless.

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