It’s a matter of balance

Have you ever felt like the world was closing in on you and you just wanted out? Sometimes what’s going on around you is too much for one person to handle. You look for the nearest exit but unfortunately there isn’t one, not if you want to continue living, and hopefully most of us do. Nevertheless, getting caught up in the craziness of earthly matters can bring you down quickly. What to do? You are a spiritual being having a human experience. In other words, you are human but you are not just human. On a deeper level you are spirit, and as a spiritual being you are not limited to the things of this world. Bear with me.

When I keep my eye on God, I can withstand anything. Even the insanity in our world right now. The stuff that makes you either crazy or terribly depressed. The stuff that makes you angry and ruins your day. All you need to do is watch the news – any channel. It’s all depressing and/or anxiety inducing. I can watch the news and then remind myself who I am. I am a beloved child of God and he is above all of this. No one is more powerful. Anything is possible when you are in his realm. Anything. Even the things you just know are impossible.

And yet I cannot reside in the spiritual world 100% of the time. Not now, anyway. Some day. In the meantime, I have to deal with grocery shopping, housework, bills to pay. people to do life with, etc. It is not possible for me to keep focused on God all of the time.  No matter how hard I try, life gets in the way. I can, however, reach out to him during the day. I begin my day with him in prayer. Before I go to sleep at night I speak to him about the day. God is with me always. Without him I am lost. How can you deal with our world today, with the trials and tribulations of your life without God? I cannot fathom. Where do you turn? Friends and family are great but they are also living their lives. They too have trials to endure, hardships to navigate that make it impossible if not untimely for them to be with you in that crucial moment.  God is faithful and immutable. I turn to him.

Therefore, in times of desperation, depression, fear, pain, anxiety, worry, self-doubt or craziness, I look up. I pray. He listens and gives me comfort. Then I can go on living my life, despite what is happening around me. Despite the pain, the heartache, the fear. Despite all of it. He is my refuge from a world gone mad. That is not to say that I stop worrying as if by magic. That I accept the things I cannot control without ever stressing over them. I still worry, but it doesn’t undo me. It’s like climbing into your mother’s lap (or father’s or caretaker’s) as a child. The comfort they provided made things bearable. But it didn’t stop all of the worry. We are human, after all.

Balance. We have to do our human things all day long. They are unavoidable and mostly necessary. But we can spend time with our spiritual side as a healthy escape from all things human. It’s what keeps me sane in an insane world. It brings me comfort when my life is uncomfortable. And it gives me hope in the face of hopelessness.  Next time your world is overwhelming, look up and acknowledge your soul, the spirit within. Ask God to wrap his arms around you. Feel loved. It makes all the difference. God bless.


Be still and know that I am God.             

Psalm 46:10


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