In a short time, this will be a long time ago.

I could stop there. Think about it. I heard this line in a marginally interesting movie last night. This was my only take-away which doesn’t say much for the film. Indeed.

Older parents tell young parents to enjoy the time they have with their little ones. Soon the little ones will be big ones who leave the nest to begin lives on their own. In the blink of an eye…  Why do we say that? Because life is short. You will looking back soon enough and realizing how there is much more life behind you than in front of you. I’m there now.

What can we do about it? You have little to no control over the quantity but you definitely have a lot of control over the quality of your life.  We see that when hit in the face with reminders but how often do we really ponder it? Almost never. Who wants to be reminded that we will not be on this earth forever? Who wants to think about the time they are out of the game, no longer playing at life. It depresses most. I have a friend in her late 80s. Several years ago she told me she goes through bouts of depression about getting old. I didn’t understand very well back then, but I am gleaning it now.

I am not here to bring you down. No, quite the opposite. I am here to inspire you to be more intentional in your life. Don’t let life go by,  live your life! Putting off what brings us joy is common, but is it smart? I don’t think so. I remember something that was going around the internet years ago, written by a lady in her 90s. She was offering up advice to everyone younger than she. I can only remember a few things she said. Things like, “Don’t save the good china for special occasions. Use it now!” And “Wear that special new dress, even if just to the grocery store. Don’t leave it in the closet with the tags still on it.”  “Don’t waste your time being angry. Forgive and move on.”

I am not suggesting that you go forward with foolish plans that should be more thought out, like jumping into a marriage or a divorce or having children even though you are still one yourself. I am speaking of a conscious and responsible decision to stop putting off things you could do now because you are trying to be thrifty or practical or you just like delaying gratification. Maybe you even think you don’t deserve that special something. Yes, you do!

We all watch our lives go by before our eyes without savoring moments, without acknowledging those we love, without seeing the small but amazing miracles that go on around us, every day.

Don’t let the tough times rob you of your joy. That may sound counter-intuitive, but bear with me. There is always something to be thankful for. There is always beauty around you. There is a peace in knowing that what you are experiencing right now is temporary, that better times lie ahead. Finding the joy in pain is probably the most difficult and challenging thing you could ever do. But you need to try. God is with you through all of it, the great times and the miserable times. If nothing else, find the joy in that.

Live your life by seeing God in everything, especially in people. Make a difference in someone’s day, or better yet, life. Help a person in need. Be a safe haven for the troubled souls in your life. Make your life about doing for others and less about what you can get out of it. Your time will be gone before you know it. In a short time, this will be a long time ago. Think on it and live a good life. God bless.

One thought on “In a short time, this will be a long time ago.

  1. So beautifully said Sarah! You have such a wonderful way with words. Enjoy today because we don’t know what tomorrow brings is so true. Gotta love life!! ❤️❤️

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