He already knows

Shortly after becoming a Christian I was talking with someone in my Growth Group about praying. Sometimes I just don’t have it in me to repeat every single prayer I have, every day. She replied with, God knows what is on your heart and in your mind. He knows your concerns, your pain, your anguish.  He knows what brings you joy and what makes you angry. God is omniscient and omnipresent. Then why do we bother to pray when we find ourselves in desperation if He already knows?

When you decide to follow Him, to accept Him into your life, the only thing He asks of you is a relationship. When we pray, we are talking to Him. We are listening for a response. We are communicating like we do with our friends and family. That is the most important request He has of us,  to keep in touch. Like your mother or father or spouse or best friend says when you go away, “Stay in touch.”

There are many people who only talk to God when they are in trouble. You know them. On an airplane that is going down; a diagnosis that is terminal;  on their death bed. These are all good reasons to reach out to God, but maybe the only time they ever do. These are Christians who think God is there only for the tough times. The rest of the year you think that you have everything under control. You are in charge and really don’t need Him. He should hear the prayers of those whose problems are much more serious. You’re fine. Until you aren’t.

It must make Him sad to only hear from you when you are in need. Kind of like that relative or friend who only calls when they want something from you. They never call to say “Hi” or “I’ve been thinking about you lately. How are you doing?” That is not a relationship. That is an acquaintance, a convenience.

God always knows what is on your heart. But he wants you to reach out to Him anyway, to show Him you’re thinking about Him. How about just to say “Thank you!” God loves gratitude. Don’t you love it when someone tells you that you make their lives better? That they appreciate you?  Of course you do. So does He.

I pray every morning but one day a week I refrain from asking Him for anything. I just thank Him for all the blessings in my life. For all the good things that happened the day or night before. For the grace He consistently bestows upon me.  You should try it some time. Just spend your day in gratitude. It will change your life.

There are days I go to pray and am so distraught over something that I can’t bring myself to enumerate all of my prayers. And that is when I say, God, you know what is on my heart. Please help these people. I put these troubled souls in your capable hands. I cannot handle it today. I need you to deal with them. And I always, always, always end with,  Thy will be done. Because ultimately, the outcome is His.

God is the best friend you will ever have. He will never let you down. That is not to say that you will get everything you ask for. But you will get everything you need for your highest good. Your plans for your life will never be as big or glorious as His plans for you. Think about that.

Stay in touch with Him, for the little things and for the big things in your life. It’s the most important relationship you will ever have. I promise. God bless.

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