Be Aware

Luis Palau, a Christian Evangelist, recently spoke on the radio about our social media, techno-crazy world of 2018. Everywhere you go, you see people on their cell phones or tablets with their heads pointing down. Not only do they not see anyone else, they barely see what is around them. They are drawn to their phones like moths to a flame. Pity. Because while they are doing that, they miss seeing people who are in a great place of need. Some may be crying, some might be shivering from the cold, some are hungry and have nothing to eat and no money to buy food. You may even be walking with a friend who is in pain but who cannot get your attention. So much need and yet many of us do not see it. Why? Because our eyes are diverted elsewhere. Maybe you aren’t looking down but you are so engrossed in your own thoughts you can’t see anyone else. You look past them and continue on your path, oblivious to the world around you.

Don’t feel too bad. This is true for most of us. We are basically self-centered. That is human nature. Is it good? No. Is it common and even practiced by very kind people? Yes. Is it too late to change? Of course not. It’s called being aware of what is around you. Not only should you not be staring at your phone, you should be actively looking for someone in need, someone you could help, a fellow human being.

This means of course that you must take your attention away from yourself for awhile. You must focus on others instead of you. You may have a lot to think about. You yourself might be in need. If that is the case, wouldn’t it be nice if a stranger passed by you, looked into your eyes and simply smiled? A smile that might tell you, “It’s going to be okay.” How powerful would that be?

I am always in my head. When I am out and about, I rarely think about the strangers around me. I have enough to think about without adding on other people’s issues. But wait a minute. Isn’t that what Jesus did? Didn’t he notice others in need? And then didn’t he help them, often in miraculous ways? All for the glory of his father in Heaven? He did all those things and so much more.

The Christians among us are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. That is not just a nice metaphor, it is a directive. Continue the work. Based on the way the world is today I would say there is a desperate need for us to do just that. Is that impossible to accomplish? Does it take too much time out of our day? No, not really.

When we have disasters in the world, have you ever noticed how all the people come together to help those in need? Strangers helping strangers? A gang member helping an old lady? People of different races and backgrounds helping someone who might normally disapprove of them but who is now graciously accepting their help?

Why can’t we be that way all the time? The simple answer is we can, at least we can aim for that. But we can only control one person, us.  The next time you are walking down the street, shopping at the mall, grocery shopping, whatever, be aware of those around you. Look for a way to help someone. You will not only change their life, you will change your own. Make it a habit. Start today. Let someone’s life be better because of you. Now there is a legacy to be truly proud of. Go do it. God bless.


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