I think I want to be five again…

Still in the middle of the chaos of moving. Hiring contractors. Waiting to hear back from them, never hearing back from some. Fast approaching deadline, July 20th, when we hope to get our home on the market. So much has to be done by that date. Actually a couple of days before that date because pictures must be taken for the listing. And on it goes, until I feel like I am going to lose it.

Yesterday during my morning chat with God, I asked if I could be five years old again and climb into his lap.I would let Him finish all that needs to be done for the move. He certainly could handle it. I would just rest there, comfortably wrapped in His arms. He would nudge me awake when it was time to reconvene my earthly life in our new home. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? It would certainly be a welcomed respite from the craziness I am currently going through.

What’s wrong with contractors that they would be so flaky? I do know some who are not that way, but it seems that all of the flaky ones have volunteered to enter my life only to disappoint me. They don’t get back to me when they say they will. They don’t provide a bid as promised. Some of them completely disappear!

There was one who had come highly recommended by a neighbor, over a year ago. I tried using him then and he disappeared right after he gave me the bid. I thought I would give him another chance now that we could definitely use his expertise. He came out, asked me to give him a week to finish a job and then he would give me a bid and hopefully start the work. Yeah, he never called back and never answered my voicemail or my texts. Some folks never change I guess.

Another recommendation for a different job. And I love and trust the person who recommended him! He came out and promised to give us a bid in a few days. That was over a week ago. He has also not responded to my voicemail or texts. What’s wrong with people?

My son says that some contractors will say they will do the work when it’s the only job in town. Then they get the chance to make more money and they drop you like the proverbial hot potato. Perhaps.  Nevertheless it is extremely frustrating. Now I know why many people do their own work, even if it’s not perfect, at least you can count on yourself!

I want to be five and have my only decision be what I will play when I get outside. Or will I stay inside and play with my dolls until Mom calls me for lunch? Those were the good old days, right? Wasn’t five a wonderful age? Still untouched by the stark reality of life but old enough to do things that entertained you for hours. No stress, no problems, no contractors!

Please don’t misunderstand. I know and have worked with some wonderful, reliable and talented contractors. They’re just not around now, apparently.

So when possible, I will curl up in my Father’s lap and have him take over the problems of the day.  I will dream about wonderful new adventures and new friends and moments of sheer bliss. Ah, to be five again!

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