Listen to your body!

In the last few years I have gotten much better at tuning in to my body and paying attention to what it tells me. Maybe that’s because I’m so much older now! Yes, I believe as we age our body talks to us more than ever before, and every year with more frequency. By listening to your body I don’t mean that as soon as you feel pain you reach for the nearest painkiller in your medicine cabinet. No – although some of us have been doing that for years. I’m talking about subtle whisperings as well as the loud voice of pain.

When you start really listening to your body and then accommodating it, I believe it will return the favor. If your body says, “I’m really tired today. Please take it easy.” That is not the time to say, “Oh, you’re just being a wuss. Get out there and go the gym! How do you think you’re going to stay in shape?” How many people actually listen and do what their body asks? I have no idea but my guess would be a small number. Why? Because today it is all about doing, accomplishing, succeeding. No rest for the weary, right?

At my wise old age (although I don’t feel old) I’m not only listening more but doing what I’m told. As a result, I believe I have a symbiotic relationship with my body. “If I listen to you, will you take care of me?”


“Alright then.”

Sometimes I will get a pain ( I used to work for a man who said after the age of 50 there isn’t a day that goes by when something doesn’t hurt!) but know instinctively that it is nothing serious. I then practice something that my husband taught me. “Don’t give it any energy.” That means don’t focus on it. Focus on something completely different. Have you ever noticed that whatever you give your attention to will grow? If my feet hurt, for example, and I concentrate on how much they hurt, do you think that the pain will go away or get worse? Guess what? It gets worse! I remember being on vacation years ago and I woke up with a severe pain on the bottom of my left foot. (I learned later that it was plantar fasciitis.) I checked it out and decided that it was a very inconvenient time for me to have it since I was on vacation.  I told it to go away! It left me within minutes and I have never had since!

Before I subject my feet to high heels I make a deal with them. If you help me wear these heels for the next four hours, I promise to remove them and set you free afterwards. Does this sound strange to you? Probably. But do you know what? It works, every time.

I once read about the co-founder of the Unity Church, Myrtle Fillmore.  (Read her book, “Healing Letters”. It is inspirational.) She was struck with tuberculosis as well as other ailments when she was a fairly young woman.  And this was in the 1800s, not today with our advancements in medicine and technology. She started meditating every day. She would go through her body and bless each part, thanking it for the work it does for her. (There is more to the story. Look it up if interested.) After doing this for several months she was cured and lived to be 86! So when one of my body parts is unhappy, I bless it with gratitude and let my negative thoughts float away.

There is so much written about mind over matter and cases of miracles occurring every day in the areas of health and well being. It is up to you to believe or not believe. I personally choose to believe.

I get up every morning, get on the floor and stretch as well as exercise. This morning, out of the blue, I heard from my arms, “No pushups or planks today, please. We need a break.” I listened.

Listening to your body and getting to understand what it is saying is as important to me as having an annual checkup. No one knows your body better than you do. Pay attention to what it says. If you don’t, it will only get louder and may become something you would rather not deal with. You take care of your body and it will reward you for it.   :))

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