Who is your god?

You may believe in a supreme being but where is your attention going? What takes priority in your life? Where does your energy go?

It’s worth pondering. You may believe in God but whatever controls your thinking, comes first or devours your time is arguably the real god in your life.

Some examples:

Money: For you, the most important thing in your life is making money. The more money you make, the more “successful” you believe yourself to be.

Possessions: By acquiring more material possessions or “toys”,  you believe you will be more important and impressive in the eyes of the world.

Being “beautiful”: Creams, excessive exercise, cosmetic surgery. You believe that external beauty will gain you more friends and admirers.

These are just three examples of what can become your god. It’s where you mind goes most of the time. It’s where your energy goes and a lot of your money. Wait a minute, you say, what’s wrong with wanting more money, having more things or looking better? Nothing, as long as it doesn’t become your ultimate goal in life.

If you are a Christian, you know exactly whereof I speak. God is #1 and everything else falls beneath Him in value.

Money, possessions, physical beauty or whatever is currently your god – does it bring joy? Does it make you happy? More importantly, will it last? The simple answer is “no.” All will be gone one day, no matter how hard you try to hold on. The happiness it brings you now is short lived.

If God is not #1, then who do you turn to when your life goes south? When tragedy hits or you are overwhelmed with sorrow, where do you find comfort? Some people only turn to God in times of trouble, as if they don’t need him when life is going well.  It’s like the relative who only calls you when he/she wants something. How does it make you feel?

I have always believed in God but it wasn’t until I became a Christian that I took a serious look at my life and where my attention and heart were going. Now it’s an easy answer, God. He is the real thing, the only thing I can always lean on, seek in times of trouble and pray to, knowing that He hears my every word. He will either calm the storm I find myself in or calm me so that I can weather the storm.

Where is your attention going every day? On something substantial, real, eternal and unfailing or on the things of this Earth that will never fill the void inside you?

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  Matthew 6:21.  Your choice. God bless. :))

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