Sarah’s conversation with God – from December 2004

In November of 2004 I took a “Foundations Class” at my church. For our final exam we had to create a project. We were given complete freedom in what that would look like. I chose to write (surprise). I conducted an interview with God. Here it is.  Enjoy.


Sarah: God, are you there?


Sarah: God, hello! Are you there?

God: Of course I’m here. I’m always here, you know that. I was just playing with you.

Sarah: Oh, okay. I forgot. You do have a sense of humor.

God: Yes, it helps me get through the day. Now, what can I do for you? You don’t call on me very often. What’s up?

Sarah: Well, I have this report to do for my Foundations class.

God: I know. What do you need me for?

Sarah: Well, I thought it would be nice if I shared a conversation I had with God, you know, You.

God: You know I’m always available. What do you want to talk about?

Sarah: It’s supposed to be about me – who I am, what I’ve learned – spiritually and otherwise.

God: I see. And what have you learned?

Sarah: First and foremost, that You’re always around, inside me. I just need to be still and You will be there in the silence. Everyone on the planet has the same ability, the same option to find You.

God: What else do you want to share? What else have you learned?

Sarah: By having the ability to reach inside, anytime we want, to find You there, that means we are never alone. Do you know how many people want to die or do die, because they feel alone – or abandoned?

God: Of course I do. It makes me very sad.

Sarah: If they only knew.

God: Yes, if they only knew.

Sarah: It’s not that simple, is it?

God: No, it’s not that simple.

Sarah: And yet it is.

God: Yes, it is.  Okay, let’s move on. What else have you learned?

Sarah: That Love is all that matters. That if you come from Love, everything else will fall into place. But you must truly be centered in Love, without judgment, without fear, without ego.

God: That’s good. Go on.

Sarah: You can’t come from Love and be afraid at the same time. The two are mutually exclusive. Many people live in fear. That creates most of the problems in the world – maybe all of them.

God: How do you change that?

Sarah: We can only change ourselves, our own thinking, our own beliefs. When we change, it is easier for those around us to change. But it would take lots and lots of people changing in order to change the world.

God: One person at a time.

Sarah: It’s a giant task.

God: And it starts with one person at a time.

Sarah: Am I being too simplistic?

God: What, to say that the world will only change when people change? And people will change, one person at a time?

Sarah: Yes, is that too simple?

God: What do you think?

Sarah: I think it’s simple but the Truth.

God: There you go. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Sarah: I want people to know that they have tremendous power to fix their lives, to change for the better. That what the voices in their heads say has more meaning, more impact, than what other people tell them. So it is most important to watch what they’re telling themselves. It impacts everything they do.

God: Good advice.

Sarah: Why did it take me so long to learn these things?

God: Some people never do. You learn when you are ready to learn,when you are receptive to it. When you will retain it, believe it and pass it on. Just like you are doing now. Are we finished?

Sarah: Yes, just one more thing. I love you.

God: I know. I love you too, Sarah.

Sarah: Always be here with me, okay?

God: Count on it.

Sarah: I really enjoyed our little talk.

God: Me, too. We should do this more often. Stop being so busy.

Sarah: You’re right.

God: Of course I’m right. I’m God!

Sarah: Ha ha. Bye for now.

God: Take care, and remember your own wisdom. It applies to you too, you know.

Sarah: I will. Thanks God.

God: You’re welcome, child. Don’t forget me.



One thought on “Sarah’s conversation with God – from December 2004

  1. Good to have conversations with our Self 🙂

    Whenever I go to God with a need for other people to see that they can fix themselves God tells me they aren’t broken and it’s just my mind that is playing tricks on me that allows me to think that, lol.

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